Peter's Linux Applications Q&A

  1. Electronics Software
  2. Chemistry
  3. Finding Files
  4. Where can I find cryptographic stuff like ssh and sftp?
  5. Is there an Apple ][ Emulator?

  1. Electronics Software
    SCEPTRE: Simulation of Nonlinear Electrical Circuits is an automatic circuit analysis program capable of determining IC, transient, frequency and steady state response of electrical networks and dynamical systems. It does AC, DC and transient circuits. In addition it has a `defined parameter' mode which can be used to solve state equations that describe non-electrical systems. It has a cool graphical interface and requires a fortran compiler. If you have linux, f77 or f2C is good if you don't have a commercial compiler. See

  2. Chemistry Software
    Check out gperiodic. Clicking on an element displays the name, symbol, number, weight, melting point, boiling point and Pauling Negativity Number (whatever that is). I'm surprised to not see the valence number.

  3. Finding Files
    gtkfind is a pretty handy utility!

  4. Where can I find cryptographic stuff like ssh and sftp?
    For Redhat RPMS, go to:

  5. Is there an Apple ][ Emulator?
    Check out apple2-emul written by Alexander Jean-Claude Bottema, Stephen Lee and Michael Deutschmann. You can get it at